Wednesday, March 26, 2008

10 things i intend to do next week...

1. finish reading "lush life" by richard price
2. clip my toenails (they're getting too long)
3. finish stop motion film based on an arab poem
4. come up with concept for new photo shoot w/ 4x5 camera. (any ideas people?)
5. move from NOPO to se portland
6. get rid of some of the shite i've been carrying with me for the last 10 years
7. learn more tricks on after effects
8. start making music video for my friends in yeltsin
9. watch more movies
10. take myself to the swimming pool

10 things i did last week...

1. watched friends sing a play guitar at kelly's olympian
2. went to a reading by richard price at powells (he is possibly the funniest author i have ever seen!)
3. saw the movie; "there will be blood" (p.s.-it's fucking good!!)
4. went to a david levinthal art show titled, "jesus"
5. saw my first 20" X 25" poaroid at said show (beee-u-ti-fulll!)
6. got drunk
7. got accepted to a studio program in brussels
8. got drunk again...
9. applied for a scholarship of $5000
10. applied to a big group art show

Monday, March 10, 2008


damn...wish i was at SXSW!!!